
Building Services II

Building Services II is quite different from Building Services I because this subject is about air-conditioning, fire protection, electrical installation and vertical transportation system. It is quite theory and hard to understand. You need to memorize all the nouns in the subject and all those illustrations. In this subject we got one assignment, my group members are Wen Qi, Jia Yii, Yie Xin, Maybelle, Wendy and Veena. We do about the fire protection system in shopping center, we choose Subang Parade as our target. We distribute the work and started to do by taking photo of the shopping center. Our lecturer told us to take photo about the fire protection system in the shopping center including car park. After I read finish the UBBL, then I know why he say staircase is really important for fire protection. There are several laws are talking about the fire protection of the staircase. UBBL is really helpful for us, I should read it in my previous semester. We can know all the rules and regulation about the fire protection in the building throughout UBBL. There are still a lot of things we need to learn about construction process and building. How is the building need to be design, how many meters to the nearest opening in a building, where should we need to use fire resistance building materials and etc. We need to have several fire distinguishes and the sprinkler system to help us to have more time to escape from the building when there is a fire.

